Friday, December 19, 2008

Not a Creature Was Stirring....

Someone call Terminix! I have had an infestation - of over-active creativity. Again. Here's my defense. My children go to a private school where they get Godiva Chocolate Sampler boxes from their classmates as treats (which I promptly confiscate as being "way too good for children"). So what I lack in funds, I have to make up for in creativity. Hence, the perennial favorite, the Christmas candy cane mouse. Lots of them. One hundred and thirty three to be exact.

Hey, they're cute, cheap and easy.

(but enough about Sean's ideal prom date.)

there is no
the end


Tim said...

I'd bet you could make candy-cane geckos or chameleons.

Heather said...

your talent baffles me. I swear I have no creative bone in my entire body.

Cheryl said...

Amazing! I think I see some of myself in you! I used to make homemade valentines and Christmas treat bags every year for classes of kids. With as many kids as I had in elementary school at one time, it was a lot!

ray said...

I am so flattered, Cheryl, that you would compare me to you. Now if I could just get my kids to behave....